Chicago Aeronuts Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 7 (March 1937)

Chicago Aeronuts Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 7 (Download)

Editor-in-chief……Tom Cunningham

Technical Editor……Edmund Swort

Circulation Manager..Richard Worel

Feature Editor…….Charles Belsky


It was on a very dark Saturday evening, in November 1935, when a group of eight young men met in the field house of Dvorak park, with but one intention. That of forming and organizing the foremost model airplane organization in the United States. At their first meeting they chose the name Chicago Aeronuts, and as their leader they chose Carl Goldberg, who because of his executive ability and extensive knowlege of aeronautics has been retained in that office since that date.

A few of the early members were Joe Matulis, Charlie Bolsky, Wally Simmers, Bernie Schwartz, Johnny Kubilis and Sid Axelrod. Through Frank Nekimken the 132nd Armory was obtained for flying purposes. Later when through no fault of their own this privilege was withdrawn.

Again Frank Nekimken and the Park District went to bat and secured the 124th Armory for flying purposes, and Gage Park in which to hold their meetings. This satisfactory arrangement has remained in effect up to the present. The membership has grown to 35, with a long list of prospects attempting to fill the entrance requirements.

At the present time they are on the top of the list of National Aeronautical Association record holders, holding more records than any other city in the U.S.

Chicago’s Nation Record holders include: Goldberg, Matulis, Becksted, Simmers, Huguelet, Gelbard, Axelrod, Obarski, Decker, A. Nekimken, Kubilis, Swort and Turner…….

About wil

I am a grandson of Chicago Aeronut Otto Curth. I lived in Rockford when I was young, but moved to Southern California in 1985. It didn't quite kill the opportunity to model with my grandfather, but it certainly hampered it. Since I wasn't (and probably won't ever be) able to join the club, I decided to at least set up this site to help preserve and share the history for anyone who may have an interest.
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